

Hello Chad, my name is Mark, I run this site for free because it's funny

Thanks for taking the time to view this page, here are some of my links:

I do have a Youtube and a twitch channel, if I get enough followers on twitch I'll stream development of this website!

The site was made pretty quickly as a side project of my side projects - a side side project - so it's pretty bare bones, I do like the design though.

Donate peepo looking cute

Gotta ask for donations, the server does cost money and time to maintain

I guess I could run ads but don't particularly want to do that.

If I get enough donations and people show enough interest I will be adding more features to this website, the first being Trivia questions where the chat competes with the streamer to see who has the biggest brain

If that sounds like fun let me know!

You can send me magic internet money

A peepo dressed as a wizrd

Here is a picture of me

A picture of me (it's acutally gigachad shh)